Why does a Brazilian smoothing not work?

For what reasons does a Brazilian smoothing not work

In this article we will explain the secrets of Brazilian smoothing to keratin

Sometimes a customer complains about the result

The technique of Brazilian smoothing seems very anodine out this is not the case if we do not know the details

Your priority is to have satisfied customers.

For this communication is the essential step by which we must begin our appointment

It is also recommended to ask a few questions before any appointment and explain to your client what result can it get thanks to the Brazilian smoothing

A client with fine hair and a client with Afro hair will not have NEVER the same result following the use of the same Brazilian smoothing

There are thousands of different Brazilian smoothing and Brazilian smoothing products

Each product is generally recommended for a hair type

Used a product for all your customers is not recommended because each hair type has a different need

It is also important to explain to the customer what a Brazilian smoothing really is

Many people have prejudices on Brazilian smoothing

Brazilian smoothing is not a deflection and will never be !

It relaxes the hair between 20 and 100% depending on different parameters

The percentage of stiffness depends on the following parameters

  • Technical: the passage of the plates is TRES important. If the customer wants a result close to the stiff, you must pass the plates a minimum of 15 to 20 times on very fine wicks for a frizzy hair and 20 to 30 times for hard hair

  • Hair type:

Natural hair: the result will be progressive

Chemically treated hair: most optimal result

  • Type of product: some products are stronger than others

  • Client medical situation: some diseases may block the result

  • Medical treatment: some medical treatments block the effects

  • Type accessories used: the thickness should not be old because the temperature displayed will not be real

  • Age: some hormones can block the result

Example: following menopause, the secret body many hormones and this can block the result

  • Menstruation: secreted hormones can block the result

  • Temperature: in case of high heat or cold, it is recommended to agitate well before opening. products must be stored in a place with room temperature. if the product remains in a very hot room for example, it may lose its efficiency

  • Henna : this treatment blocks the result

  • Equipment

Thickness: the thickness must be changed regularly as most have not been designed for Brazilian smoothing and the temperature displayed is not the actual temperature. the passage is very important and the edge must be passed to the min. 15 to 20 times on very fine wicks

Rinse: for customers who want a steep hair, it is advisable to rinse the product after 72 hours. The customer can iron the wiper at home.

After each wash it is highly recommended to dry the hair using a hair dryer. the heat of it will activate the kerat and make the hair stiff. it is strongly advised to leave the hair dried to the air free.

Communicating all this to your client may avoid a possible refund or redo it

At first, it is important to make a hair diagnosis as well as ask a few questions in order to be able to evaluate the final result of the Brazilian smoothing.

In some situations a lack of outcome is also possible:

  • Menstruation

  • Pregnancy

  • Medication

  • Certain diseases

  • Strong secretion of hormones

If your client comes to your home at the time of his rules, it is recommended to do so later because the Brazilian smoothing will not work at all and will not last very long

In other cases, it is therefore advisable to explain all this to the client. if this one decides to do it at least it will not be able to blame you

For all that is pregnant woman, it is also rather unadvised.

The only Brazilian smoothing products to be used are those which do not contain ingredients prohibited by the European Union.

It is also strongly advised to request the advice of the gynaecologist because it is on a case-by-case basis

Thanks to this article, we hope to inform you of the absence of a possible result

In summary:

Brazilian smoothing is not at all a deflection but a smoothing aid. a stiff result is possible but for certain types of hair and if all the above parameters are applied to the letter

If one of these steps is broken, you will have an absence of result

Product added to compare.